“The David Webb Show” will air live from the diner, a New Hampshire political institution, on January 22-23
NEW YORK – Jan 18, 2024 – SiriusXM today announced that it will take over New Hampshire’s Red Arrow Diner on January 22-23, rebranding it the “SiriusXM Red Arrow Diner” for the special event. As anticipation builds towards the country’s first primary, Patriot channel host David Webb will broadcast his program, The David Webb Show, live from the Manchester location, which is long regarded as a can’t-miss stop for candidates along the campaign trail.
During the broadcasts Webb will be joined in person by politicians, key campaign surrogates, and top experts, and he will also speak directly to New Hampshire voters about their expectations, which candidates they support and why, the topics that matter most to them, and myriad other matters that will be deciding factors as they cast their votes.
In addition to serving up lively political talk, the diner will also be serving a complimentary “SiriusXM Red Arrow Diner” menu to guests in attendance, including “Government Grits-Lock,” “The Bi-Porkisan Plate,” “Chicks and Balances,” and “The David Webbich.”
Listeners to The David Webb Show (9am-12pm EST) will have the opportunity to call in and ask questions of Webb and his expert guests.
About David Webb:
David Webb joined the SiriusXM Patriot lineup in 2009. He’s also a contributor to Fox News and a columnist for The Hill and Breitbart News. In addition, Webb is on the board of directors of the Young Marines National Foundation, Wounded Warriors Family Support, and the Left Standing Foundation. He co-founded TeaParty365 in NYC, a nonpartisan advocacy group for fiscal responsibility; and Reclaim New York, a non-partisan 501(c) non-profit organization focusing on citizen education and activation on affordability, jobs, economy, and government accountability.