Manchester, NH – For the ninth consecutive year, the Tower of Toys initiative is collecting unwrapped children’s toys, sports equipment, cosmetics, movie certificates, and gift cards to benefit children and families in need. Donations are formed into a toy-filled tower at the Atrium of the Beacon Building at 814 Elm Street, Manchester, and accepted through December 17. A socially-distanced drop-in open house to view the tower will be held that day between 5 p.m. and 10 p.m., and refreshments will be available. Face masks are required.
Tower of Toys is sponsored by the Red Arrow Diner, the Beacon Building, Belmont Hall and Restaurant, Cross Insurance, Colliers International, Dick Pratte Cabinetry, Downdog Flow Yoga & Pilates, Flexecution, Inc., Intown Manchester, Just Flow Events & Marketing, and Melanson.
Last year, the Tower of Toys benefited nearly 350 children from local families. With the unusual circumstances of 2020, the anticipated need will be more than ever. Please consider donating to help local families celebrate the joy of the holidays by providing unwrapped presents and donations in one of the following ways:
- Deliver donations to the Red Arrow Diner Corporate Headquarters located at the Beacon Building at 814 Elm Street in Manchester. If sidewalk drop-off is preferred, donors can make arrangements by calling Amanda Wihby at (603) 935-8121.
- Additional drop-off donation locations include Alley Cat Pizza and OrangeTheory in Manchester.
- Order gifts conveniently online and ship directly to 814 Elm Street, Suite 102, Manchester, 03101.
- Online monetary donations are welcome to help sponsors purchase gifts to ensure there are gifts available for all age groups. These online monetary donations can also be used toward tax deductions. Please visit www.facebook.com/toweroftoysnh/ or www.redarrowdiner.com for a PayPal link as well as an online QR code.

“This year has been overwhelming for us all, but has proven even more difficult for families dealing with financial hardships brought on by job or housing loss, income reduction, and even illness,” says Carol Lawrence-Erickson, President of the Red Arrow Diners. “The Tower of Toys sponsors are always grateful for the community’s dedication in making the holidays magical for all families. We humbly ask donors to give a little extra this year to help us fill the gaps created by the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Families seeking assistance from the Tower of Toys initiative should send a private message requesting toys for their children at www.facebook.com/toweroftoysnh/. A representative will provide additional information and make confidential delivery arrangements.